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7 Ways to Find You Are Smarter Than You Think

7 ways to find you are smarter than you think

As humans, we are always curious to learn new things. When we are in friends or family groups we want to look more intelligent. Now we start comparing ourselves with others in that group. We are trying to show that we have a high IQ level. but can you measure your IQ level?????

In order to measure your IQ level, you need professional help but science provided some clues that link our early life experiences to high intelligence.

There are some signs which show that you are smarter than others:


Researches have found that those peoples who are anxious are better than those who are not. a little bit of anxiousness helps you more in the era of modern life and you surpass your peers. Anxiousness help you more to stay focused and work hard in your tasks.

An Early Reader:

Science has proved that those kids who are individual readers and start reading in their early days have higher IQ levels. It creates a developing impact on kids and makes them smarter. If you are an early reader then you are smarter than the rest of the people.

You Are Highly Adaptable:

Intelligent people are flexible and keep moving on towards their goals in any situation. These types of people never give up and trying to do their best to achieve their goals although complications look like mountains these people keep moving on if you have this quality then you can consider yourself as one of the smart people.

You Are Curious:

It is not important that you need any special talent to become intelligent, you should more curious about what you are doing. 

If you are curious about what you are doing then you can say that you are smart because you are curious about your work and learn something new about your work.

You Have High Self-Control:

If you have high self-control then you can say you are intelligent. Studies have proved that there is a deep and strong relation between self-control and intelligence. If you can demonstrate your self-control while working towards your goals then you are one of the smarter people.  

You Are Funny:

It is proved that intelligent and smart people have a high sense of humor and studies also proved that there is a strong relationship between sense of humor and intelligence. So being funny makes you smarter than others.

You Are Wonder About Universe:

If you always wonder about the universe and the meaning of life and ask different types of questions or imagine different types of questions in your mind then you may be equipped to understand every situation from different perspectives.

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